Corporate reformation program to build innovative corporate culture. Facilitating the capability of staff members to be thorough with their products and services in answering the needs of government agencies, their customers.
We believed that good services by government agencies was a factor that contributed to a good quality of life. We knew from our experience that Thai government agencies have much room for improvement. So we were really enthusiastic to have an opportunity to work on this project with CDGS Co., Ltd. because they are a company that works on developing and designing technologies for government agencies. One hundred percent of their customers are government agencies and state-owned enterprises, organizations whose improvements are of direct benefit to the Thai people.
After a close discussion and deep analysis, we came to a conclusion that CDGS needed a corporate culture reformation. They needed an Innovative Corporate Culture. CDGS saw RISE IMPACT’s potential and effort, and included RISE IMPACT as a team for the reformation.

CDGS and RISE IMPACT aimed to reform the corporate culture of CDGS. After a close discussion and thorough analysis, we started the reformation with CDGS IDEATION BOOTCAMP, a program that developed product and service design skills for staff members through Design Thinking. We coached them to understand and answer the needs of customers and consumers precisely. Above all, we guided them through hypothesis testing, trial and error that helped them learn through real execution such as discussing with their customers, field research with consumers, until they came up with unassailable ideas for best products and services to offer government agencies.

It was known that technologies change everyday. If CDGS could design sustainable and innovative technologies for their clients, it would become their invincible strength. Therefore, CDGS needed innovative culture at the heart of their company.
RISE IMPACT was interested in making Systemic Change. And working with CDGS gave us a great deal of room to drive Systemic Change in government agencies. Both parties shared the vision to develop CDGS staff members in order to make Systemic Change finally happen and reach the widest circles.

We were in the same boat as CDGS on this project. From abstract ideas at the beginning through the whole process of reformation. We designed, adapted, learned, and experienced together and came up with 2 batches of the CDGS IDEATION BOOTCAMP. Reformation became closer to reality. Our path was rough and we journeyed together far enough to make us trusted colleagues to each other.

After 2 batches of the CDGS IDEATION BOOTCAMP we have learned a great deal together. But there still lies a long road toward reformation. There are many things to be done to reach the dream goal. Apart from the bootcamp, we regularly share how we could utilize Design Thinking to build innovation for sustainability.
After the first Batch was trained, CDGS founded an elite think tank team as a role model for the whole organization. They use Design Thinking, Business Lean Canvas, and Hypothesis Validation to innovate products and services that truly answer the customers’ needs.

of participants think CDGS Ideation Bootcamp is highly beneficial to their work
of participants feel highly engaged, own their idea,
and want to make it happen
of participants have project development skills highly improved
projects from CDGS Ideation Bootcamp were developed further to sell to real customers
of participants became key teams for corporate culture reformation